The 2024–25 Sculpture in the Gardens exhibition

The 2024–25 exhibition is open from 16 November 2024 until 2 March 2025.

Our artists

Click on the artists to find out more about them and the works their works in this year’s exhibition.

Brit Bunkley and Andrea Gardner

Emma Camden

Dale Cotton and Gina Ferguson

Jane Downes

Paul Forrest

Metal Metcalfe

Chris Moore

Chester Nicholls

Amelia and Josh Olley

Jamie Pickernell

Greg Piper

Oriah Rapley

Auckland Botanic Gardens now has an app.

Download this for a great map of the sculpture trail as well as information about the works and the artists.

Greg Tuthill

Jorge Wright

James Wright

Our curators

Introducing our curators of the 2024–25 Sculpture in the Gardens exhibition – Linda Tyler, Terry Urbahn and Catherine Hamilton.